
April 28, 2008

No More Movies

I've driven by our local cineplex three times but I can't seem to drag
myself in. I dont remember such a depressing period before in terms of
movies. There is literally nothing to see! The only thing I'm remotely
interested in is 88 minutes and my friend is begging me not to go,
says its awful. I'm also interested in Deception, too but it only has
an 8% on When is Batman coming to save us all?????

I did see Prom Night. It's actually an intersting conversation piece
but no one I know saw it and therefore the conversation would be one-

The filmmakers of Prom Night either hate white people or black people
but I couldn't figure out which one! And no I'm not kidding. But it's
too complicated to explain if you haven't seen it and I don't feel
like writing a thesis about Prom Night on my iPhone!

Prom Night is anti-cop though for sure! The cops do everything wrong
and only the black cop in the last scene saves the day and inly after
after all the other white cops are killed.

And they blatantly lift 20 minutes, beat for beat, out of Silence of
the Lambs, (my second favorite film of all time after Jaws). It's
blatant theft, grand so pissed me off and they lost me
after that!

I'm sending this from my phone, that's why my response is so brief.


Jay Larsen said...

The upcoming summer always ruins this time of year at the theaters. Any movie worth watching gets held until May/June so it can be a "Summer Blockbuster". This of course means there is a major logjam of movies during the summer, so many of the movies go under watched. If they would have put a few of them out in April they might have gotten more attention.
Oh well.

Anonymous said...

As I have to remind my filmgoing posse of friends, winter through early spring is a Dead Movie Season — an annual Hollywood wasteland.

Like August through October, it's a time when the biggest movie spenders (youths with expendable income) are back at school hitting the books, engaged by pro sports or school-related social activities. Traffic at movie theaters is always down, unlike early-to-mid Summer Vacation when there's lots of free time or The Holidays when you're forced to find things to do in winter for the whole family and friends (and most everything else closes down!).

So Hollywood doesn't roll out and market its tentpoles or best movies. Down Seasons are actually times when Hollywood dumps all of its presumed BOMBS, oversaturating the market with 12 pieces of shit premiering every Friday.

In January and February you get a glut of Oscar-nominated art movies in limited release which can be great.

But Oscar movies are about the only relief in quality you'll get until Memorial Day. If you only like blockbuster action flicks and comedies, you will be sorely screwed in the down seasons.

This winter brought a couple of gems — that British movie BANK JOB is one of the best flicks I've seen for ages. Woefully underrated! HAROLD & KUMAR plus SARAH MARSHALL were also welcome and awesome.

Fortunately, IRON MAN and SPEED RACER are kicking off the summer action/comedy season and we'll get to at least see Hollywood's best efforts again.

BY THE WAY, I saw PROM NIGHT and thought it was a trite, paint-by-numbers hack job — so to speak.

Is it anti-cop or just anti-logical, bad scriptwriting?

If cops felt so urgently the heroine was in danger from a serial killer that they had to evacuate the hotel and surround the building, THE FIRST PLACE they would have gone is the girl's hotel room — long before evacuating, shutting down and causing panic.

It was a contrived, counter-intuitive situation rigged for suspense only.

You're right — they copycat many other movies. The last 20 minutes in darkness with alarm buzzes and strobe lights being stalked by the killer was awfully similar to ALIEN.