
March 06, 2008

Juno Update

Oh fuck no! 15 minutes in and I'm already irritated. Are they all
gonna talk like this the whole fucking movie??? This won screenplay of
the year???? Are you fucking kidding me???? I'm giving it 10 more
minutes. Oh how cute, she talks on a hamburger phone! Whatever! 3
minutes more and I'm bidding Juno McGuff farewell. I honestly feel
like I'm watching a parody of Juno. Please, God, tell me this is not
the actual hit movie, Juno, that made gazillions of dollars!!!! Juno's
dad is sexy though! Maybe, I'll stay for him. He's turning me on. Now,
I'm getting horny. I like this scene where Juno meets the potential
parents. I haven't left yet. Okay they've signed the adoption
contracts. I'm bored again. Okay, I'm leaving now, I hope you've
enjoyed watching the first half hour of Juno with me. I know I didn't.
I was adopted. I should find this compelling but it just feels
dishonest somehow, too glib, too shallow. Bye Juno. I'll catch the
rest of you on cable one day.

I'm sending this from my phone, that's why my response is so brief.


Michelle said...

I missed the first half hour and saw the rest. I still didn't like it and I haven't bothered to try and see it again.

Vincent Lambert said...

OMG! are you one of those obnoxious people who sits in a movie and texts? How annoying! Oh wait, there was no one else in the theater? I guess that’s okay then. Just don't let it happen again! :)

Anonymous said...

I agree — the dialogue was glib and often irritating.

I loved JUNO's story and characters, but they all sounded the same and affected.

What really proved Diablo Cody's naivete and inexperience was her wardrobe at the Oscar ceremony.

When you're given a chance to introduce yourself at such a high profile, try calingl a better designer than Fred Flintstone: