
May 06, 2011

Michael Kearns

Hey performers, if you're in LA, you would be lucky to have the chance to work with Michael Kearns. I'm passing this on. Micheal's great. We did a play together and he was always the smartest one in the room. Great guy and great teacher.


The ancient art of solo storytelling continues to enthrall artists and audiences alike

6 Week Intensive On Developing Your One-Person Show

What do…Will Ferrell, Eric Bogosian, Lily Tomlin, John Leguiziamo, Charlayne Woodard, Danny Hoch, Sandra Bernhard, Hershey Felder, John Fleck, Margaret Cho, Anna Deveare-Smith, Tracy Ullman, Jackie Mason, & Elaine Stritch
have in common? 

They each took control of their destinies, jump-started their careers, and empowered their lives doing one-person shows.
Michael Kearns & Tony Abatemarco, two veterans of solo performance and co-founders of The Katselas Theatre Company's INKubator - the new wildly successful play development series – will help you develop the one-person show that will lead to self-empowerment and career enhancement.
  • First time writers/performers looking to find their voice
  • Established performers who want to fine-tune their newest work
  • Breaking new ground or portraying an historical figure
  • Telling your own story or bringing a village full of characters to life

Beginner or pro, learn how you can make it happen for yourself.

Where:  Skylight Theater - Skylab, 1816 N. Vermont Ave. in Los Feliz
When: Wednesday 7 to 10pm, beginning May 25 thru June 29th

Individual Attention

Two amazing teachers - six weeks - one price:  $325.

Limited Enrollment  - Only Ten Spaces

To apply, submit a 250-word (minimum) proposal to:

The Instructors:  

Michael Kearns                
Michael Kearns' theatrical career has been largely defined by solo performance—from his two lauded books on the subject (Getting Your Solo Act Together and The Solo Performer's Journey) to the many hats he's worn as a solo artist: director, teacher writer-performer and dramaturg. From The Truth Is Bad Enough, his first "written and performed by" outing, to dramaturgical duties on Alex Davis' Man of the Year (produced at NY's Knitting Factory in 2011), Kearns' work, including the internationally acclaimed intimacies, has not abated for forty years.

Tony Abatemarco

For 3 decades, Tony has written, performed, directed, produced or taught theatre all over the world, and won some of Los Angeles' highest honors doing so.  He has directed Julie Harris solo as Isak Dinesen on Broadway and for A&E, as well as Robyn Peterson in the West End.  As a performer, he has done 4 solo shows.  His two originals, FOUR FATHERS and COLOGNE, have both won awards and have been performed around the country, the latter having just completed an extended run at the SkyLab.  He is an adjunct professor at USC's School of Theatre and holds an Endowed Chair at Santa Monica Emeritus College.  He has also coached or mentored privately, with students including Oscar nominees Johnny Depp and Mary McDonnell, and TRUE BLOOD star Deborah Ann Woll.  His film & tv credits are innumerable.

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