
June 19, 2010

Two Dead Clowns

Well it's official, Two Dead Clowns, a play I wrote a looong time ago but never produced will finally premiere in San Diego on July 15th, 2010 at a cool place called Mc Dini's. Two Dead Clowns explores the lives of serial killer, John Wayne Gacy Jr, and the actor Divine. Lots more details will be coming soon but I'm incredibly excited to be working on this and to be getting back to theater. I'm incredibly nervous, too. I play John Wayne Gacy Jr. in part 1 and Divine in part 2 and I've put it off for a long time cause I felt I was too young and I was focused on other things but as my friend said recently, "Ronnie, you're not getting any younger. How many years does any of us have left?" She's right. The future is now. So, July 15th. Back on-stage. In San Diego. I hope the show doesn't suck. Please come see it. Stay tuned for more details.

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