
June 29, 2010


I was so moved by these lines by David Brooks in the NY Times Op-Ed posted just now:

"In a culture that generally celebrates empowerment and self-esteem, A.A. begins with disempowerment. The goal is to get people to gain control over their lives, but it all begins with an act of surrender and an admission of weakness.

In a culture that thinks of itself as individualistic, A.A. relies on fellowship. The general idea is that people aren't really captains of their own ship. Successful members become deeply intertwined with one another — learning, sharing, suffering and mentoring one another. Individual repair is a social effort." David Brooks, NY Times

Every week I hear new stories from friends about cutbacks at work, slow sales, home losses; America is a very sick country and people are truly suffering. Some people want to blame our problems on a President who has been in office less than a year but America has been sick for a long time it just didn't know how sick it was and it's not going to get better soon it's going to get worse. It's sad. I have a friend, middle class, intelligent, educated, ex-army, hardworking, honest guy who's wife has cancer and he just got his hours cut back at work. He says, "it's too much to deal with. I'm overwhelmed. If I lose my job my wife will have no benefits and how will pay for her cancer treatments?" It's just wrong on so many levels. America is just so wrong, right now. Things have got to change. And let's not even talk about BP. What a fucking mess. But Toy Story 3 was good!

June 19, 2010

Two Dead Clowns

Well it's official, Two Dead Clowns, a play I wrote a looong time ago but never produced will finally premiere in San Diego on July 15th, 2010 at a cool place called Mc Dini's. Two Dead Clowns explores the lives of serial killer, John Wayne Gacy Jr, and the actor Divine. Lots more details will be coming soon but I'm incredibly excited to be working on this and to be getting back to theater. I'm incredibly nervous, too. I play John Wayne Gacy Jr. in part 1 and Divine in part 2 and I've put it off for a long time cause I felt I was too young and I was focused on other things but as my friend said recently, "Ronnie, you're not getting any younger. How many years does any of us have left?" She's right. The future is now. So, July 15th. Back on-stage. In San Diego. I hope the show doesn't suck. Please come see it. Stay tuned for more details.

June 15, 2010


Three years in therapy and I couldn't solve this problem; I either get tons of work done or nothing at all. Balance has never been my gift. Once I start working I can go for hours, days and weeks but once I stop it gets harder and harder for me to get back on the treadmill. On days I'm busy I'm amazed at how much I'm able to accomplish but on days I get nothing done I really get NOTHING done. I believe that talking about stuff makes it somehow less "BIG" so I'm saying it out loud: I want to get busy. I want to start working. I want to do 12 hours a day for the next month. I want to feel caught up. I want to be uber-productive. I want to work again, I really do.

June 03, 2010

These are my people...oy vey....sad!

Movie Describes How Mormon Church Pressured Members To Support Prop 8

LDS members contributed 71% of the $40M used to repeal same-sex marriage in California, even though they only comprise 2% of the state's population. This short clip from 8: The Mormon Proposition, which opens around the country this month, describes how church elders pressured its member to donate as much as they could.