
May 27, 2010

A Huge Victory (i think)

Ok, so let me make sure I understand this, gay men and women are going to officially be allowed to serve in the military, defend the country and die on the battlefield but they won't be allowed to get married when they return from war. Am I following this, correctly? And to all my Republican friends and family, I love you all but had McCain been elected President, gays would continue to be persecuted and tossed out of the military under "don't ask, don't tell." And the majority of the politicians who voted against this legislation today were Republicans. So if you love me and you claim to support equality for ALL, think about me the next time you vote Republican. Think about your gay and lesbian friends and daughters. You may not be homophobic but if you're voting Republican you're voting for homophobia. And that's not hyperbole, it's fact. If you believe that homosexuality is a lifestyle choice that is your right but then I will argue that religion is a lifestyle choice and I would NEVER support legislation that discriminated against any religion. Imagine a law that says Mormons can't get married or serve openly in the military. I'm no Mormon but I would never support legislation that oppressed Mormons in any way because I believe in equality for ALL. And I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, my Mormon relatives but these anti-gay laws are disgusting, hateful and real. They hurt the lives of people you claim to love. Please think about that the next time you vote. Gays will be able to serve in the military and we will be able to get married in all 50 states sooner or later. So let's just get it done and move on. Stop fighting the future. 

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