Dear Sex Addicts,
I'm sorry you haven't heard from me sooner. The transition has had many problems and we were locked out of our mass mailer program.
I could write the world's longest e-mail to you all but the more time I spend explaining is less time i can spend fixing.
I really need a huge favor from all of you; patience.
I have been assured that all the data from the old site WILL migrate to the new one, EVERYTHING: contacts, friends, mail, membership levels, photos, videos, passwords, gender, etc.
Nothing has been lost. It is all stored and backed up but migrating it is a very complicated process and the first migration failed halfway thru and that is why 321 videos transferred and the remaining 170 did not. I could go on and on and on but it's just boring tech talk.
The bottom line is that my goal in the coming weeks is to transition to a new site that is a million times better than the old one and to keep all 4,000 members TOTALLY happy and satisfied. If you are Premium, i will add mucho free time on to your account. And if you're standard I have some good things coming, too to help get more of you upgraded.
My goal is to get the site perfect. And then make sure the membership is completely happy and satisfied. Loyal, kind and patience members will be rewarded for their loyalty, kindness and patience. Assholes , not so much.
If you spend an hour on the new site you will see the potential for what it can be. Communicating is soooo much easier. Just scroll over a person's pic and you get tons of communication options. You can even chat simply from within your profile. There's so many things that are and will be soooo much better but it's a process.
So please be patient.
We are working, working, working round the clock. It's complicated, time-consuming, and expensive but we are committed to making you happy.
And for the record, I don't think I've ever said no to someone who write a nice letter asking for an upgrade even though they didn't have any money. We are constantly trying to figure out how to give people access, keep people happy but also have the site pay for itself. That is why we started the "Free on weekends" deal.
This is the honest truth, 100%, I'm going right now to pick up our weekly payout from the website. The total from last week is 290.00. I paid the server last night and that was 190 and I have to send 250 on PayPal to my tech guy today and I already paid another 80 on monday and the new software license is going to be 400 before modifications. So do the math.
290 in this week
930 out
LOL Welcome to the world of websites. I'm not complaining. In a few weeks, hopefully, everything will be running smoothly and I won't have to be pouring out so much money but right now it's a big strain and headache so once again, I beg you, please be patient. Your data is not lost. The site is completely unrestricted right now. No one will be denied any access. If you have a problem write to us and we'll try to help but give us a week to get things worked out. In the meantime I don;t reccommend adding lots of data and friends and photos because I'm confident the old data will get migrated. My new tech guy is a bonafide genius.
Ok, that's all for now.
I'll be sending more updates now that the mailer is working. And YES, we are having a Ladibug party i Oceanside on Friday afternoon. More details are coming later today.
Thanks again for your patience!
Sally & Ronnie
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