
January 11, 2010


Hey all you sex addicts! Did you miss us? We missed you!

The site is back up and running. We are very sorry for the blackout. We are making the site 100% free for the next 24 hours so everyone can log in, check e-mails and get caught up!

We would love to tell you the problem was due to a complicated technical problem but the simple truth is, we ran out of money!

The monthly server is about 400. Some months subscriptiions cover it and some months it's very tight. December was a very tight month and I had an extremely urgent personal crisis. So it's just been mucho craziness but the site is back up and running thanks to a very good friend and her website,

Yes, we were rescued today by another website They paid our server bill so please EVERYONE, go sign up for And please send a special thank you note to Carolyn at

Carolyn is actually my high school girlfriend and gave me my first blowjob from a girl over 20 years ago. And now, here she is today, paying for the site, so you can all get laid! The world works in mysterious ways! LOL

Anyway, yes, Sally is not rich! Yes, times are tough for everyone. And no, is not supported by a corporation. It's just Sally, Niki and Blair trying to hold it all together as best we can and keep the site running and the parties happening. Sometimes things work great and other times not so good. Hopefully, we won't be down again for a long time but we seriously need all the support you can give.

In order to cut costs on the server we are eliminating a service we've had that allowed us to call in 24 hours and get unlimited tech support. We haven't used it in a few months but it was a nice security blanket. The server bill will be 150 cheaper per month but if something seriously goes wrong it may be more complicated and expensive to fix. So there you go. More information than you needed or wanted but we just want you to see behind the curtain and understand that running this site is not easy and your support really makes a huge impact.

More e-mails are coming soon to you about a big party on the 16th this Saturday night in Ocean Beach San Diego. We are also expanding some services on the site we will tell you about soon.

And if any of our paid subscribers would like a pro-rated refund for the days of the blackout please contact me directly and I will send you your money. It's about 30 cents a day to be a paid member and we were down for about 5 days.

Ok. That's all for now! Thanks again to Carolyn and everyone at for saving us and getting us back online! it's been a very rough week.

See you all Saturday! Happy New Year!


Sally & Ronnie and Niki and Blair

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